French Yoga Community
What is eco-responsible equipment at Tayrona Yoga?
At Tayrona Yoga, eco-responsibility means producing with respect not only for the environment, but also for people and animals. Eco-responsibility, as we understand it, is based on several criteria including working conditions, production & manufacturing conditions, the choice of materials that make up the products we select, but also the place of production.
The Heart Chakra or Anahata: Fourth of the seven chakras
Everyone has chakras, seven in total, invisible, but very present in the fleshly envelope. It is thanks to them that the harmony of body and mind operates, allowing daily well-being. The The 4th energy center is called the heart chakra located on the sternum at the level of the heart muscle. It alone hides many secrets to discover or rediscover.
The 3rd chakra: the solar plexus or Manipura
Chakras are invisible energy centers in the body, seven in number, allowing to keep the harmony of body and mind. The solar plexus chakra is the third located at the level of the lower ribs under the tip of the sternum . However, this can be unbalanced, particularly due to stress. Discover in this article the power of the 3rd chakra.
Portrait of Florence Piers, kinesiologist
Portrait of Florence Piers: this kinesiologist and certified yoga teacher tells us how yoga accompanies her in her daily life.
Portrait of Marie Claude Estrade, yoga teacher
Portrait of Marie Claude Estrade, yoga teacher, she shares her advice:
" For my personal practice, I make sure to always be in communion with my breathing. It is my ally, my anchor and my balance."
" For my personal practice, I make sure to always be in communion with my breathing. It is my ally, my anchor and my balance."
Sharleen Gonnet's Sacred Space
For almost a year, the studios have been closed and you would like to keep the commitment undertaken in your practice, or perhaps simply start a regular practice, because Yoga is obvious to you today and above all a true life partner on the path to well-being and freedom of mind. But here it is, alone it is not always easy, even complicated... Sharleen Gonnet shares her advice to help you in your practice alone at home.
Portrait of Patrick Yven, lover of yoga and surfing
Portrait of Patrick Yven is a yoga teacher.
Just passionate about Yoga and surfing. He had his first coaching experience as a federal windsurfing instructor at the Carnac Yacht Club.
Just passionate about Yoga and surfing. He had his first coaching experience as a federal windsurfing instructor at the Carnac Yacht Club.
Portrait of Mathilde AGNES, future teacher
Portrait of Mathilde AGNES future yoga teacher: a great sportswoman since her youngest age, Mathilde naturally turned to yoga while she was living in China. Today, she can't do without it! She shares with you her experience through the practice of yoga.
The sacred space (place of practice) of Gwendoline Aliaume
Portrait of Gwendoline, sportswoman, designer and yoga teacher. She shares with you her concept for creating a sacred space to practice yoga. Discover her tips and tricks in this article.
Portrait of Cassandre Richet, Sports Coach
Portrait of Cassandre Richet, Sports Coach and yoga therapy enthusiast, she now teaches yoga and shares her experience with her students. Her mantra: " Your body is precious. It is your vehicle for awakening. Take care of it." Discover Cassandre's valuable advice and her journey.
Portrait of Cindy, creator of the Chrono Yoga channel
Portrait of Cindy, creator of the Chrono Yoga channel, and yoga teacher since 2014. She gives you her advice for following online classes without hurting yourself at home. Her mantra: OM SHANTI, peace for humanity. Discover Cindy and her Youtube channel dedicated to yoga.
Portrait of Alexandra, a teacher specializing in prenatal yoga
Portrait of Alexandra, she discovered yoga more than 15 years ago. After training as a teacher in 2013, she specialized in prenatal yoga a few years later. The well-being that this practice brought her was a real trigger, and she now aims to bring this to pregnant women through her site, . Discover this prenatal yoga specialist.