“Holistic” decorator and creator of objects and jewelry made with the heart (in Bali where she has her ties) Catherine Declercq lets us visit her “WILD PEACE” universe through her exhibitions on yoga and sacred femininity festivals.

How did you come to take care of yourself ?

In fact, unconsciously I believe that I have always taken "care of myself" (and therefore of others) since I have always, but always imposed one thing on myself: HAPPINESS!!!

Accessible to everyone, I assure you...

What practice for your well-being?

I have always danced, sung, loved... and then India and Asia offered me their ancestral practices: yoga, meditation and all the ceremonies and rituals that accompany them, and to which I am completely addicted!!!! This contributes every day to an extreme Well-Being that inspires me and leads me towards new adventures full of Joy and above all, above all full of Sharing!!!

A “lifestyle” that fulfills me and nourishes me with Kindness.

What is the ritual of your practice?

"Boho" atmosphere guaranteed!!!!!!! everything is there, atmosphere, atmosphere!!! I can't help it, at least when I practice at home.

Nothing is missing, the incense (that of Balinese ceremonies), the Indie music, the little candles, Ganesha, Buddha, my little feathers… that's when I unroll my mat and, in full awareness, settle into my meditation or yin yoga practice.

What do you carry in your yoga bag?

Undoubtedly my mala, my charms and talismans brought back from Bali (and which never leave me!), my Kitiwaké mat and my gourd filled with an Ayurvedic herbal tea Yogi Tea (ginger/lemon).

What would be your advice for Tayrona yoginis?

I advise you to always keep the “little flame” it resides in all of us…

Let go of your fears and always keep a little smile on your lips because it is connected to your heart.

Believe in yourself !!!!

Where/how do you practice?

I practice at home (“atmosphere, atmosphere”) more rarely in the studio, but above all, I am lucky to be able to practice at festivals… beautiful discoveries of practices, beautiful human encounters.

I meditate daily, practice yin as often as possible… ground myself to, ultimately, shine better!

What is your favorite mantra phrase?


And I chant the Gayatri mantra every day.

"Om bhur bhuvah svah

That savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dhimahi

Dhiyo I will pray for you »

Find Catherine on her Instagram

December 08, 2018 — Patricia Nagelmackers